🍊La Casa Mandarina AC is transforming!
We are back! Strengthened, refreshed and renewed!

In June 2022, we decided to pause our holistic advocacy program for sexual violence victims. Our priority was to continue providing quality services to trauma survivors without sacrificing our mental health, our integrity, our passion, our hope and our joy.
“We are a team of four people, and some collaborators, who get up every day committed to revolutionizing the system that promotes rape culture by focusing on hope, joy and resilience.
However, due to the high exposure and visibility of the actions of La Casa Mandarina AC, coupled with the insecurity and lack of decent conditions in this country for activists and human rights defenders, as well as the almost non-existent access to public and private resources destined to sexual violence, La Casa Mandarina AC is saturated with cases, few resources for its financing and facing a situation of burnout of some people on the team”
During these two years, we have continued working with the same dedication, love and commitment. Our work has been less noisy on social media but we continue to have the same impact in our fight to end sexual violence, particularly child sexual abuse, using ARTivism and advocacy to defend and reconnect survivors with their voice, break the silence, heal trauma, revolutionize the system that promotes rape culture and create alternatives for social transformation that are intersectional and inclusive.
However, the context in our country has not changed. For this reason, we have decided that it is time for a transition. We believe it is important to make way and lift up new generations while honoring our knowledge and experience. Starting in January 2025, La Casa Mandarina AC will transform into an organization providing consulting and specialized services.
Stay tuned for this new era!
With gratitude,
La Casa Mandarina AC team 🍊
